Transparency and accuracy for a disclosure real

Cerchiamo di garantire che l'informativa aziendale sia accurata e veritiera. Vogliamo esprimere giudizi efficaci al fine di garantire la corretta informazione a tutti gli stakeholders aziendale. È per questo che seguiamo iter procedurali collaudati e puntuali.

We offer an accounting and financial auditing service which consists in examining the documents and transactions of a company in order to verify the correctness of the data present in the financial statements and tax returns.

Indeed, the main objective of an audit is to ensure that the company’s accounts are accurate and truthful and that they comply with accounting and tax regulations.

This is why we follow a series of standardized procedures to verify the correct application of accounting principles and the completeness of the information reported in the financial statements.

These procedures include reviewing financial transactions, verifying account balances, and confirming the validity of transactions with suppliers and customers.

We also make recommendations to improve the company’s accounting and financial practices to reduce the risk of error or fraud. We believe that thanks to our work, the audit can help improve the quality of company management and strengthen stakeholder confidence in the company.

Finally, we produce a report summarizing the results of the audit activity. This report can be used by the company to improve its financial management and to demonstrate to its stakeholders the transparency and accuracy of its accounting information.

We sample

We analyze

We check

We make logins

We validate

We protect

Scopri il nostro metodo: una procedura validataDiscover our method: a validated procedure

Offriamo servizi con l'esperienza di strade già percorse. Ci basiamo su casi aziendali già trattati perché la teoria non è esperienza.

Acceptance or retention of the assignment

Intervention planning

Scheduling of the activity revision

Carrying out checks

Judgment expression professional

Do you want to make an appointment?
Fill out the form and come and visit us.


    Due Carrare (PD)
    Via Mincana 21, 35020
    +39 049 9115521


    Scorzè (VE)
    Via A. Cercariolo 36, 30037
    +39 041 9690427


    Venezia Mestre
    Via Brenta Vecchia 8, 30171
    +39 041 8627483


    Mattino: 9 – 12.30
    Pomeriggio: 15 – 18
    Lunedì – Venerdì (solo mattino)